I'm Baaaaaa-aaack!

Me, not updating a blog for years and leaving it deserted, like the ruins of an abandoned mall? Couldn’t be true!

It’s been a while, and I figured I’d start to utilize this blog once more to post about upcoming projects, be it writing my personal essays on Razorcake, my Substack, my Archie Horror column on Daily Dead, or any writing or major editing projects I’ve got coming up!

I typically stick to social media for immediate promotion of work (or not so immediate, as it often can be). Still, with a general hope to lessen my social media time, I figured it couldn’t hurt to revitalize this blog to share updates and contextualize them as need be too.

So, keep your peepers peepin’, because I’ll be posting here again soon! Very soon! Then hopefully continuously after that!

Talk soon,
